
Which payment methods does Baby Max accept?
Here at Baby Max, we like to make it as easy as possible for you to complete the payment of an order.
Can I order from abroad?
Baby Max delivers almost all over the world.
How many coupon codes can I use?
It is possible to use one coupon code per order.
Can I claim back VAT if I live outside the EU?
Costs for countries outside the EU differ from country to country. When you choose the country where you want to ship your order to the Dutch VAT (21%) will be removed. You will recieve a invoice with import duties and taxes from the delivery company...
Are the prices listed on the website inclusive or exclusive of VAT?
Our prices on the website always include VAT.
My credit card is not accepted, what can I do now?
Please contact your credit card company to find out what went wrong.
What is the Iban or Bank account number of Baby Max?
The bank account numbers from Baby Max are NL88 DEUT 7351 1129 59 and NL53 RABO 0156 2641 61

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